Mission and Vision

Our Mission
Compelled by the love of Christ, Shoreland Lutheran High School exists to educateequip, and encourage students for lives of Christian service.

Our Vision
Our vision is to use our faith-based curriculum and programs to be the premier school located between Milwaukee and Chicago and to maximize enrollment (500) with appropriate facilities, curriculum, staffing, programming, technology, and administration.

Our Objectives

Shoreland Lutheran High School assists our federation congregations and families by challenging students to:

  • Recognize that faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior from sin is the only way to heaven.
  • Be life-long students of God’s Word so that the Holy Spirit can strengthen their faith, knowledge and devotion.
  • Recognize the relationship between the things of this world and the grace of God in every area of the curriculum.
  • Strive for excellence in every aspect of their lives as a way to thank God for His grace.
  • Recognize their unique identity as God’s children, stewards, and witnesses in an increasingly non-Christian world.
  • Recognize their particular calling, vocation or career as a blessed way in which they are privileged to serve God and their neighbor.
  • Recognize the Christian family and congregation as special places for excelling in spiritual activity, godly commitment and loving service.

Our Partnership
The Christian home, the federation churches and schools, and the high school unite to nurture each student through the Word. While God has given the primary responsibility for Christian training to the parents, the pastors and teachers willingly assist in this important work. Unity of purpose, trust, cooperation, and open communication are some of the elements that are essential in guiding the students’ spiritual, emotional, and academic development. We seek to maintain a supportive exchange of information with parents, guardians and the Shoreland ministry team as it is appropriate in ministering to the needs of each student that God has placed into our care.

Our Core Values

  • Excellence
  • Service
  • Family
  • Love
  • Integrity
  • Accountability