Scriptural Resources

What About Jesus?

What About can be a place to find answers to questions about Christianity that people may have whether they are familiar with or unfamiliar with the Bible. Who is Satan? What is hell like? Why can’t I be satisfied with life? How do I find God? These are just some of the relevant questions and topics you will find at the website.

Understand Christianity

Understand provides simple, straightforward explanations for anything you want to know about the Bible and the teachings of Christianity.

WELS Topical Q & A

WELS Topical Q & A – Read recent questions, search the archives, and read answers to questions relevant to the times of the world today–all from sound Biblical teaching.

What We Believe

What We Believe is a site of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod providing uniquely Lutheran explanations to topics and questions of scriptural relevance. Lutheran teachings are explained with scriptural references and the Lutheran Creeds and Confessions as a backdrop. Find them all here.

Lutheran Science Institute

Creation/Evolution resources are provided from a confessional Lutheran View at the Lutheran Science Institute (LSI). LSI is a forum for diverse views consistent with scripture. LSI uses PhD. scientists, engineers, teachers, and others to answer topical questions based on scriptural truths. Browse the website and even sign up for their quarterly journal.

Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary Digital Library

Thanks to the digital age, you can read thousands of essays written by Lutheran scholars in the last 150 years on the WLSDL website. Search audio or essay files. Search Masters of Theology senior theses. Become a member of the community and discover words of wisdom from those who have studied the Bible in-depth. This site collects, preserves, and distributes digital theological materials.

WELS Daily Devotions

Get the WELS Daily Devotions delivered to your inbox every day. go to the site for specific devotions if you like. find devotions for teens, women, and military personnel just to name a few. Check it out today!

Indiana Hassler


I would like to thank all of the teachers, faculty, and parents of Shoreland Lutheran High School for providing all of their students a Christian education. Read more