Breaking News  Shoreland receives 5-Starrating on the WI state report card, and "Significantly Exceeds Expectations".Ranked Wisconsin's #1private Parental Choice high school!


Teaching Philosophy

The Shoreland Lutheran Science Department facilitates a comprehensive education that includes a broad understanding of the living world and the physical laws fundamental to our interdependent universe. Students study, observe, investigate, analyze, and research how all of God’s creation, including man, works independently and interdependently. Science is a study of God’s creation and all content will reflect the Bible as the unchanging Word of God. We teach that science is a fluid body of work that allows for paradigm shifts, changes to theories, and alternative perspectives. Courses are designed to offer hands-on, content-rich investigations that will enable students to grow in their ability to think creatively, ponder problems, and propose solutions based on evidence and reason. We prepare students to grow and thrive in future academic studies and careers, having a greater appreciation of the physical universe throughout life.