Inclement Weather Procedures
Shoreland puts student safety first. Several factors are taken into consideration when
determining whether to close school due to inclement weather and/or emergency or crisis
situations. Factors include, but are not limited to:
- Has a weather warning has been issued?
- Is the air temperature -25° or lower?
- Is there a sustained wind chill -34° or lower?
- Has there been or will there be a heavy accumulation of snow, especially during typical
- travel patterns to and from school?
- Are streets and highways clear of drifting snow?
- Are buses unable to run due to extreme cold or unplowed streets, county roads, and
highways? - Are other schools with many students traveling on county roads and local streets
closing? - Are local buses available to run routes through RUSD and/or KUSD?
- Are driving conditions hazardous?
- Are there power outages?
If school is not cancelled and a parent/guardian feels his/her child is safer at home, the
parent/guardian may keep his/her child at home. Keeping a child home due to weather will be
recorded as an excused absence on the student record so long as the parent/guardian report
the absence in a timely manner.
In the event school is closed or the arrival/dismissal time is changed due to inclement weather
and/or emergency or crisis situations, an announcement will be made via SwiftK12, local
television stations (TMJ4, Fox 6, WISN 12, CBS 58 and WILL Rock 95FM/WLIP 1050AM), and
Facebook no later than 5:30 a.m. unless circumstances require otherwise.
If school is closed, all after-school activities, including sports and evening events, also will be
cancelled for that day and rescheduled if possible, or as needed.
By rule, Shoreland Lutheran High School is required to provide at least 1137 hours of instruction
annually. Extra hours are built into the schedule to accommodate school closings. However, the
hours of closure could exceed the extra hours built into the schedule. Should that situation
occur, Shoreland will adjust the schedule and/or calendar to meet requirement.